Tag Archives: 2019/2204

Weekly Council Planning applications and decisions (24 August 2019)

Given there is so much happening in the ward at the moment, it might be worth residents keeping a watch on what is being planned for the Alton Estate. So, on a best endeavours basis, we’ll try to include this section.

 The page numbers refer to the Wandsworth Borough Council’s (WBC) planning applications and decisions for the Roehampton & Putney Heath ward. Whilst every effort is made to highlight the page numbers and present the information below it is always best for the reader to have a read of the original Council documents just in case any errors have been made.

Applications (pages 12 and 13) – https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/media/5375/applications_week_ending_24_august_2019.pdf

Application Number: 2019/3122,

Application Number: 2019/3604,

  • Address: Pocklington Court, 74 Alton Road, SW15 4NN,
  • Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission dated 15/03/2019 ref 2018/0272 (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of part 2, 5 and 6 storey buildings comprising 41 No. Class C3 Extra Care units and 54 No. Class C3 intermediate affordable units; landscaping and new public realm; energy centre; new basement/lower ground car park accessed off Alton Road (from existing access point); and a new vehicular access off Alton Road into site) to allow increase in size of substation and changing of material to brick.
  • Link to planning application: https://maps.wandsworth.gov.uk/planningcase/comments.aspx?case=2019/3604

Decisions (page 20) – https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/media/5374/decisions_week_ending_24_august_2019.pdf

Application Number: 2019/2204,

Application Number: 2019/3318,

  • Address: Communication Station, GLN 540, Roof Top, Kimpton House, Street Furniture, Fontley Way, London,
  • Proposal: Notification of intention to replace 3 x antennas, 1 x 300mm dish and 1 x equipment cabinet with 6 x antennas, 3 x 300mm dishes, 2 x equipment cabinet and associated works.

For the most recent Weekly List of planning applications and decisions – http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/downloads/download/1326/full_list_of_weekly_planning_applications_and_decisions

If interested in searching for more information about a planning application

Go to the Wandsworth Borough Council’s ‘Searching planning applications’ webpage – http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/info/516/view_planning_application_by_address_or_map/364/searching_planning_applications


Please note that all information is provided on a best efforts basis and that readers should make their own efforts to review and assess the provided content.

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Please note that all information is provided on a best efforts basis and that readers should make their own efforts to review and assess the provided content.

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For a different view of Roehampton, especially the Alton Estate

Weekly Council Planning applications and decisions (15 June 2019)

Given there is so much happening in the ward at the moment, it might be worth residents keeping a watch on what is being planned for the Alton Estate. So, on a best endeavours basis, we’ll try to include this section.

The page numbers refer to the Wandsworth Borough Council’s (WBC) planning applications and decisions for the Roehampton & Putney Heath ward. Whilst every effort is made to highlight the page numbers and present the information below it is always best for the reader to have a read of the original Council documents just in case any errors have been made.

Applications (page 36-37) –


Application Number: 2019/2204,

Application Number: 2019/2256,

Application Number: 2019/2332,

Application Number: 2019/2343,

Decisions (page 20) –


Application Number: 2019/1761,

For the most recent Weekly List of planning applications and decisions – http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/downloads/download/1326/full_list_of_weekly_planning_applications_and_decisions

If interested in searching for more information about a planning application

Go to the Wandsworth Borough Council’s ‘Searching planning applications’ webpage – http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/info/516/view_planning_application_by_address_or_map/364/searching_planning_applications


Please note that all information is provided on a best efforts basis and that readers should make their own efforts to review and assess the provided content.

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Please note that all information is provided on a best efforts basis and that readers should make their own efforts to review and assess the provided content.

To receive blog articles as they are uploaded please ‘follow’ the blog.

Feel like leaving a comment?

Please feel free to leave a comment at the end of the blog entry in the ‘Leave a Reply’ section to let us know of any concerns/thoughts you may have.

Or email your Roehampton and Putney Heath Councillors at;

Or email your local Member of Parliament at;

For a different view of Roehampton, especially the Alton Estate